Is Kylie Jenner self Made? Worlds youngest billionaire

she claims to be cut off since age 15 and reached billionaire status on her own!

she has been more successful than her siblings and family combined.

she is currently tied with jay z in terms of net worth.

so the question, is she self made or is she resting on the laurels of others?

By definition aren’t we all not self made then? Food for thots.

Adjusted for looks, she’s worth about $3.50

Seriously, she got rich because she’s hot, which means since her parents made that, they should be entitled to the earnings too? Or is that too much Macaulay Culkin for real life?

IDK where I’m going with that. I just absolutely hate that bitch, but, I love the home alone movies.

I mean the Kardashians would not be famous if it wasn’t for ray j hitting Kim. So maybe ray j deserves a slice of the Kylie pie. Metaphorically speaking of course!

Or should we say Kim’s dad is the reason since it was the oh case that brought him fame? Or perhaps oj since he was the famous football player who committed a crime. A little bit should probably go to ojs wife as well since she married up and played fast and loose. The list would never end. Imo kylie is self made and people are just whining peasants.

Her brother rob had the same benefits. And he’s just a loser.

I don’t think she’s entirely self made, she inherited fame by being born into the right family. Although she definitely gets a solid rate of return on the human capital she was born with. She could have been rich by doing nothing, but she gets to be worth a billion because she’s smart.

That’s gonna be a no from me dog.

She is self made. She did not inherit the money. People can try to discredit the luck of being a Kardashian or having good looks… and it is true, her success has a higher weighting on the variable of luck compared to hard work. That said, even the hardest working self made billionaire had luck as part of the equation and it is probably bigger than they care to acknowledge.

Kim K on the other hand - really “took one for the team” when it started, if you know what I mean.

Is Donald Trump self made even though he took a $2 million loan from his dad? Kylie had way more startup capital due to KUWTK money which allowed her to pursue her own business interests. There’s no denying she’s a successful businesswoman and one of the best at monetizing social media. But could she have gotten there if she was born in Peoria, IL to a blue collar family?

I guess my answer is leaning towards no, she’s not entirely self made, but she’s made more of what she’s been given than any of the other Kardashian/Jenners so she deserves credit for that.

i bet a homeless orphan foster kid prolly thinks your blue collar example isnt self made.

we can also argue that white people arent really self made because they have white privilege when compared to blacks.

oh when will it ever end.

we cannot change the cards we are dealt, but we can choose how to play that hand.

Even organizms made from asexual reproduction aren’t _self-_made.

That’s more or less what I had a really verbose response typed up, before I mysteriously navigated away at random.

It’s a little bit more than $2 million, closer to $400mm+

In no world is Trump self made

Why is becoming rich because of your looks different from becoming rich because of high intellect? Both are attributes you’re born with.

Like a Lambo, beauty depreciates.

Intelligence, on the other hand, like my money compounds!

one must monetize their beauty b4 one is useless!

Kind of a hard one, since he did become President. In becoming a billionaire, no not self made. However, we have to give him credit for being elected. Other people like Michael Bloomberg would love to be President, but they just can’t do it.

put that in TQQQ

the word self made millionaire/billionaire/rich person, whatever, generally means going from poor or average to very wealthy (like as in a made man, mafia guy). if that is the definition, then in no way is she self made. going from rich to richer isn’t much of a feat nor does it improve her opportunity set much. i applaud some random dude who goes from zero or even negative net worth to several million far more than someone who went from tens of millions to a billion. also, isn’t her entire business enabled by having like 1 million insta followers and without these followers her business would’ve had no chance of success? these followers were effectively inherited. if one were to value 1 million insta followers as an intangible asset, i’m sure it’d be worth tens of millions.

So let’s talk percentiles. What is the definition of a self made man? Is the goal a million? Then it’s a 10 percentile end goal.

Since we are ranking you at start, we should base it off the percentile of your parents or yourself? Most people start with nothing but receive benefits from parents or maybe even a small inheritance. So maybe base it off the parents percentile. If your parents were millionaires then you are automatically not self made.

So what percentile should your parents be? Should it be 50th percentile which is a paltry median of 60k? Is that enough to be self made.

And at what age are we judging them? Is it at their retirement? At death? Or when you were a baby to 18 yo?

anyways at the end of the day money is a measurement in terms of your impact in the lives of others. So imo it is the dollar amount in increase that matters the most. Also isn’t it a Wall Street saying that the more money you have the harder it is to compound at a high rate. So turning 1 million to 1 billion is far more impressive than turning 1000 to 1 million.

Lastly there are plenty of people with more insta followers than her without a billion in net worth!

I would say Kylie (and Trump) are akin to George W. Bush. He definitely started ahead of the game, but you don’t graduate from Yale, then HBS, and get elected President based solely on your parents’ merit.