2011 CFA mock PM # 51

  1. 2010

notes payable 20. 15

long term debt. 157.5. 150

What is the net borrowing that we need for FCFE calcs? Please…

The answer suggests its 2.5 pls justify

Change in LT Debt = 157.5 - 150 = 7.5

Change in Notes Payable = 20 - 15 = 5

Since Notes Payable are from the past --> It will be 7.5 - 5 = 2.5

LT Debt is what got issued this year. There is a Accumulated component from the past …

It should be 7.5+5 = 12.5

The answer is wrong - unless there is another debt (e.g. ST debt) item that is missing and went down by 10.

NM stupid post got repeated.