I am planning on taking Level 2 in June 2016 (re-take - took a year off to figure out my life). I am trying to give myself the best chance to pass, so is any of the 2015 study material available online somehwere? I looked at Ebay, but people are charging around $200 for the old study material - I know it originally costs a lot, but the re-sale value seems high to me since it is (mostly) irrelevant for next year. I also contacted Wiley to see if they would provide me some of the old material if I pre-pay for 2016, and they told me that the ebooks get updated but not the physical. I prefer the physical but am considering the ebooks now for that reason.
Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. I really want to make sure I spend a good 3-4 weeks on each book making sure I understand the material, and then really kick up a notch in January - June.