31 year old without experience

I would do the same after seeing those latest photo shoots in Thailand.

You should not allow anyone to convince you that you do not stand a chance. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulder, intellectual humility and your TESCO take ain’t half bad. If you hunker down with the CFA over the next three years, it will certainly arm you with enough knowledge to be “dangerous” in your networking meetings. Even attending the charterholder/candidate events (such as beer tasting, etc) will go a long way toward you establishing some connections.

I think you should focus on getting a low-hanging-fruit type job at a decent firm, then work like you are not at the job you have, but at the job you want. Impress the pants off of people by pushing five times harder than the paygrade entails. Likely you will be the only one there not complaining that you are not being paid enough, that you should be higher, etc etc. Bosses notice that #$%^. When an employee is free of their own hubris that comes with an Ivy education and/or money expectations, strange things start to happen: people working out of actual passion.

Between you and the rest of your career stands a hiring manager that is but one small exchange away from being inspired to give an underdog a chance. These people are hounds for value investments. They will sense the sincerity, drive and the value proposition won’t be lost on them.

Go for it: just don’t skimp on the effort. I woke at 4am this morning to read before going to work. I arrived home at 8pm, and it is now 11:30pm and I have another good half hour of reading in me before I hit the sheets.

Ok, I’m going to sound stupid, what’s a BSD?

^I am also curious to know this

^Big Swinging Dick, a rainmaker, a baller

^Don’t forget, it also means shot caller, someone with…20 inch blades on the Impala

Why would you put blades on an antelope?

Why not stay in your job and focus on increasing your portfolio even further? How about taking a teaching job where you can have summers off and you can do what seems to be your main passion - investing?

Greenman, I don’t know. You’ll have to ask the poet known as Lil’ Troy.

I hit the HIIIGHWAY, making money the FLYYYY WAY But there’s got to be a BETT-ER WAYY! A better way, better way, YEAH-AHHHH

amen brother.

There should be requirements before having the right to post here. One of them is reading “Liar’s Poker”.

just use urban dictionary. even finance terms are there.

^ Still waiting for HCB to make its appearance.

This is my first post here after browsing for quite a while. I’m not quite a 31 year old with no experience, but I am 31 and just now starting the CFA program hoping to move out of the back office. As a public service, I’ll sketch out how not to achieve career success by 31:

Age 0-16: Show no ambition despite being told you have loads of talent, intelligence and ability.

Age 17: Decide you’re going to play football collegiately despite minimal interest from top universities.

Age 18: Commit to a Division 2 school with terrible academics and a worse football program. Decide to attend a completely different school when August of your freshman year rolls around.

Age 19-21: Drinking and drugs, occassional class attendance, drop out before you’re asked to leave.

Age 22-23: More of the above without the burdens of academia.

Age 24: Have a child, get married.

Age 25: Head back to colleges on nights, weekends and online. Take terrible operations job.

Age 26: Graduate, seek out other employment, fail miserably, accept promotion to less terrible operations job.

Age 28: Take GMAT, score well enough to get into #1 school locally, realize you’re broke, attend same no-name university from before. Marvel at the lack of intellectual curiosity of adults.

Age 29: Accept a promotion to a job where back office employees earn comfortable living until death/retirement.

Age 30: Finish MBA program, try not to look at pile of debt.

Age 31: Begin CFA program.

I really hope to take “Chronic underachiver” off my business cards over the next decade, and the CFA is hopefully going to help me get there.

^ That should be the script to the sequel of the movie “Rudy”.

Being a 31 year old without experience and trying to get in the FO is like being a 31 year old virgin and trying to bang a HCB. Possible, but unlikely.

post of the year.

I hope you do well and you’re able to use Cfa to your advantage. I really do. You sound like one of the good guys.

I’m in somewhat of a similar situation myself lol, though I started to turn things around a little earlier. Good to know there are others out there.

Incidentally, I believe the actual Rudy got into some trouble a few years ago regarding a pump and dump scheme lol.

Good luck tyler4040