31 year old without experience

Love your post Twice the Man. It is possible if you keep at it. It may take a while, but don’t give up.


I’m pretty confident that I’ll get through the program, and whatever happens career wise is fine with me. I’m pursuing fulfilment moreso than money. A larger income would be great, but I just can’t stand the lack of critical thinking, conceptual application or problem solving that my current position entails. Getting into a role where I’m expected to have and defend opinions, or expected to need to know why we do things instead of just how we do them is really what’s driving me. It doesn’t even need to be managing money. Research, valuations, asset allocation. Anything but another decade in performance measurement, portfolio administration, etc.

I heard that the real Rudy is full of himself, and no where near the lovable character in the movie. He apparently went to everyone to tell his story. Begged them to tell his story in order to become famous.

The more I think about it, the more I agree with Joe Montana. His story is overrated. It’s not like the guy was an average player or a reliable bench player. He played a few plays because people pitied him more than anything.

I nearly wet my bed laughing