
67% - Pass (Did I?)

66.8% - pass

I was just kidding merv! Congrats on the pass!

70.28% - cracked the 70% and pumped…

67.4% pass

Pass AM: 67, PM: 78, Total: 72

62.6% and an epic fail.

67.33 Pass

64.56% Fail (Band 8) 3-4 skipped questions in essay portion, the 40% assumption may overstate average.

68.89 - Pass

AM: 65% PM: 72% Overall: 68.5% PASS

0.639444444 pass

http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/2753814_izgmq/40_60_80_calculator.xls For your convenience. I kept this from a long time ago. It looks weird because I accidentally saved it after I deleted my own scores. Hope I didn’t touch the formula. It’s better you input “*” manually to the spreadsheet under each topic (and “*” only for the formula to work) in case the area copied doesn’t fit the area paste into.

64.8% and Pass What a relief - too close for comfort, but will take this win anytime!

67.5 pass, Tuscon Arizona, coming home!!!

71% pass

can someone explain the 40/60/80 concept? or post a link to help me understand? My performance was actually decent. I think I buried myself by blowing the individual IPS… Oh, and I failed.

75% pass

64.4% PASS (phew) 62.8% essay 66% items

70% Pass