4th Attempt?

This is the first time I see you post a genuine response that is not sarcastic, so weird.

Hey I would say never give up!

I took first attempt in June 2017 and my wedding was August 2017, and kind similar situation, I failed, at band 3 :(. I was overwhelmed with wedding planning and everything else and didn’t get enough time to study. So I registered to take it again in 2018, but I found out I was pregnant and the due date was close to exam date. I had to delay the exam to 2019. So I studied with a baby less than 1 year old, and I passed this year!

You are band 10 - so keep going!

I think you could easily pass next time considering that you’ve always been very close to the MPS. I’ve known someone who passed on his fifth attempt, and having interacted with him in a study group, I’d say he is a bright guy who knew the materials well, even better than me when I was attempting at the time. Sometimes failing isn’t about not being capable of passing, but little things could impact our chances in these kinds of exams. Hell, even stress can ruin the whole thing, or bad time management during the exam. I’d say try again, make sure you nail FRA, FI, Ethics and equity, like really know them well and aim for above 70 in them, but you also have to be fairly decent in the rest, you can’t master everything but aim for avoiding getting any topic below 50 or at least not more than two topics.

Do not take risks, sometimes you aim to excel at one topic and end up screwing it up in the exam (somehow!), that was the case with me, I screwed up FRA even though I knew it very well and aimed for above 70 in it (and I am a Chartered accountant!!!) , but thankfully, other topics saved me, even though I didn’t polish them enough, so try to know every topic as much as you can, they could save you when least expected!

EOC and MM videos are a good combincation. Practice, paractice and practice some more. It is all about practice. Good luck!

don’t lose heart my friend. I don’t think how many times taking the exam is the issue here. It’s more about the exam itself and the preparation. CFA Level 2 is purely application based which means if you just memorize the theoretical concept is not good enough. you have to understand it, so no matter what curve balls are throw at you, you would be able to answer it. Hope that helps. this video I made, might help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyEIwweiOHs

congratulations :+1:

Age means nothing. Not everyone is going to be a financial mogul and retired at 50 (I think most kids on this site think that is the case). I have seen PLENTY of professionals laid off and having to hit the reset button in their late 40s early 50s and taking jobs and pay that a 25 year old with a graduate degree would normally take. Keep trying, better to finish then go through life wondering.