A Career Question--Thanks for the advise thus far!

hanks to those whom have posted some very helpful questions and concerns I had in the past–As some may know, I’ve been interviewing with some interesting positions and companies the last few months. From Senior Analyst REITs; Consult. Acquisitions for an Energy co. to IB, and emerging markets. Now, I’m winding down some choices, one particular position in management at an brokerage firm in Boston. The pay is about 30% higher than the others. and will be perpetually higher. But it seems to be more a sales and management role than analytical or innovative. (There any many bright employees; MIT, Harvard Grads, CFA’s; ex-Goldman guys) The concern I would be; the pay increase going to discard me from jumping back to IB or even asset management if I decide that this its for me, say after 3 years. (I would have an MBA and CFA completed at that time) Anyone else had a scenario like this come up? Thanks.

Ah, the golden handcuffs problem. Yes, it’s a dilemma. Without regard to your particular situation, which I’m having trouble understanding, the main problem in moving from a higher-paying job to a lower-paying job is that you’ll be sad to do it, having gotten used to earning more money. Most of the time, employers don’t care if you’re taking a pay cut. Some of them may not want to make you an offer if they think you won’t take it, and some of them might worry that you’ll get bored or dissatisfied too quickly, but if you have a story to tell most employers won’t care that they’re paying you less than someone else did. That’s my opinion, at least.

Yeah. What? Are you a native speaker (no insult intended)? You say you are interviewing for these various positions that, at first glance, seem completely unrelated. I’m just curious (as are most people on this board when it comes to career progression), but what positions have you had in the past that would lead to these seemingly random positions? I am actually looking to move into one of positions you listed, but I am waiting to gain more knowledge and experience to do so, further piquing my curiosity. It appears from your post (I admit that I haven’t paid attention to your “story” on these boards, so I am working from scratch, here) that you were in IB before. How long and in what focus? You seem interested in asset management, and I assume that you are taking the CFA as a segue to that side of the business. How far along in the CFA progression are you? I assume that you haven’t started your MBA, yet, since you mention you would be finished with both the MBA and CFA in three years. I am a proponent for seeking a bigger paycheck, and it is debatably worth pursuing for a 30% gain over the other positions you listed, however please take into account the multiple factors involved: -Where are you coming from? Boston is one of the higher cost of living centers, which I’m sure you realize, but it is worth pointing out. -How old are you, and how likely do you think it would be for you to completely change career directions (and willingly take a pay cut?) in three years after ostensibly completing your MBA and CFA? -Would you find yourself bored to death in a middle management sales role in a brokerage firm? -What kind of expected hours of work are being compared (and how highly do you value your personal time)? -Do you have a strong family and friends network where you live now? In Boston? Where the other positions are? -How highly do you value your family and friends compared to your career progression? -Would you be able to retire earlier if you took this higher-paying gig? I am not trying to hypercritical here, but I am truly interested in your career progression and the thought process that goes into switching gears. Also, I’d like to know what the other positions entail (specifically the one I’m interested in, but I won’t divulge which here).

How the heck are you being considered for a senior REIT analyst position? I assume from your posts that you have zero equity analysis or property-investment experience. I call complete BS on this guy.

I have a sneaking suspicion that he is simply applying for anything remotely in line with what he wants to do. To be a senior REIT analyst or a consulting acquisitions analyst in energy one would need extensive knowledge, experience and connections gained from working in a similar capacity before. Zforce - could you provide further detail on those positions you were looking at, your experience (or why you were qualified for those positions), and where you are at now with your decision process? Are you thinking of taking the brokerage position in Boston? Where are you living now?

agreed with the above…the author mentioned in another post that he wasa senior equity analyst in asset management, but with posts like this and inquiries about associate salaries/privately offered modeling training classes, the story doesn’t quite seem to add up (it is apparent that the author does not work in IB). either that or he is targeting opportunities across the board…not that there’s anything wrong with that, just saying that i find the “storyline” here as confusing as others have