A cynical 'poet' in capitalism's cauldron (Two Years At Harvard Business School)

Ahead of the Curve by Philip Delves Broughton (http://philipdelvesbroughton.com/) Since many posters here are looking at B-Schools, this is probably a good read to spur your thinking. Not just about your MBA, but life & choices after b-school. EXCREPT FROM THE FT.COM ARTICLE “When Kim Clarke, then dean of Harvard Business School, greeted 900 new MBA students to the school in 2004, he warned them not to become cynical. The advice seems to have fallen on deaf ears with Philip Delves Broughton, journalist-turned-MBA. Delves Broughton wrote an occasional “MBA diary” for the Financial Times while at HBS. Now, in this autobiographical portrait of two years spent in the “cauldron of capitalism” - his phrase - the former Daily Telegraph reporter writes with journalistic ease about everything from the nitty-gritty of the classroom experience to the problems of getting a job. What makes this a particularly absorbing and entertaining read is the combination of journalistic detachment and the sense of personal alienation that Delves Broughton, a Brit in an American system, feels as he struggles to come to terms with what it means to be a Harvard MBA.” Rest of the article at: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6a55f056-5e98-11dd-b354-000077b07658.html