MPS was higher AND I think this years exam was harder than last year. Bad combo if you do not know your s***. The PM section for this years exam was brutal relatively speaking.
I took level 2 in 2016 and 2017 as well - I passed this year, and found the exam incredibly easy.
Literally walked out saying to myself “THAT’S it?”
So, not only was I stupidly more prepared this year - but, I do think it was easier this year. And I failed in band 10 in 2017, but the FRA/Equity questions were harder in years prior. Which is why I think the MPS raised this year and pass rate fell.
The pass rate fell from 47% to 45%. This year was another record of test takers. Could it be that CFAI wants to keep the Charter exclusive and will keep making the test more difficult?
Having failed last year and having passed this year in the top 10%, I can ensure you that last years exam was BRUTAL compared to this years. Then again passing depends on your score relative to other candidates so I dont know if it makes a different in the end…
I’m not sure I totally follow your logic in the last sentence - how can the MPS rise and the pass rate fall? Seems to me those would move together unless I’m missing something. Either way, I passed so happy about the result.
Please factor in the fact that we guys were matured and better prepared this year. Compare from the point of view of apples to apples, in terms of preparation.
Honestly, you joke but look at the pass rates immediately post housing crisis in 08 through 2010 If there is another economic downturn, I bet pass rates plummet. Especially for LI and LII. Level III may fall but that’s okay because it was at like 55 percent last year
i dont think it’s fair to directly compare and say that this year was easier than last year…i would say youre just more prepared this year because of the additional year that you had, hence more learnings and better understanding of the whole program + more efficient strategy etc…just my opinion
Well I failed band 10 last year and effectively failed band 10 this year.
I definitely walked out of this exam feeling a lot more confident and my scorecard kind of showed it as I didn’t get a single topic under 50 this year (last year I got like 5/6).
However, the difference appears to be in equities as I am pretty sure I got 100% in it last year and this year I only got 60%.