I just finished a book by David Deida in which one chapter he devotes an entire philisophy around why you shouldnt release when with your woman during sex. His rational for this is the fact that women want full attention and usually, upon release, you loose interest in her and fall asleep. He states that although she may want you to have that instant relaxation and high feeling, deep down she wants you to maintain a status of drive, and thus, upon release she knows that she has taken your vital life, and with it, your drive. No fappers, do you have the ability to abstain from the highest pleasure? More importantly, do you want to?
The Chinese believe that the milky white stuff that shoots out of the guy during sex is your “Chi” or life force. Traditionally, keeping your Chi inside you is supposed to help you live longer, so Chinese sex is a lot about holding yourself back.
For women, it’s interesting to think about whether that makes sex more or less enjoyable? On the one hand, the guy should be able to give pleasure for longer; on the other hand, Chi goo supposedly has stuff in it that makes women feel good, so if it’s too much work to get some, that might be a bummer for them…
Of course, this post is of questionable taste, but the topic is fascinating to think about…
I hooked up with a chubby a few weeks back when I was wasted and did a quick pump and dump. Surprisingly, she was appreciative. Not only did I bang up the vajaja, but also she said it didn’t go all night. Some other chump she hooked up with had some whisky d!ck and went for nearly an hour before just giving up that he wouldn’t blow. She tried faking to no avail to just get it over with. Sx is suppose to be a sprint after the warmup, not a marathon.
I suspect they aren’t doing a good job of holding back…
A little more information on the book. He depicts man’s main objective as a mission that is usually outside the scope of a relationship or family, where as female’s tend to focus their efforts on a relationship and family. He goes on to say (i’ve read this in Nietsche, schopenhaur, wilhelm and i guess by default freud) that deep down the trust that creates the foundation bt man and woman is the mutual understanding that the relationship, as it relates the male, is not the number one priority. To augment to this, he continues by saying that in order to be fully aroused in said mission, you need to have full energy (lack of release). To tie up the thesis, he says that women loose trust when there is release because they understand that you are now not at your full potential to achieve your mission. That you have succumb to temptation with her and you will probably succumb to the temptation to not give it your all with the world.
it is LOSE, not loose - sorry, but that’s a major pet peeve of mine
if you are constantly blowing after a few minutes and not giving your partner any satisfaction she will 1) not kick it as often, 2) take her goods elsewhere, or 3) do it herself, leaving you in the dark
– bottom line, you have to give out pleasure and take care of HER some of the time…
cvm, funny how she thanked u for being quick.
What nonsense is this?
Sorry about the error, i normally don’t proof read my posts so i cant say it wont happen again. As for your second statement, i agree. I think what the author is getting at is not the fact that you should last until your partner experiences x amount of orgasims but instead debating on the subject of release at all due to the implications of your mood and action after the moment. I can’t say that i subscribe to this theory because i have yet to try it (a drunken night doesnt count imo) but nevertheless, i found it an interesting topic that i figured i would share to broaden those horizens who have the ability to discuss unique topics.
I dug it. We hooked up a few more times before she became a bish…
So, to paraphrase this, not “succumbing to temptation” with the woman is admirable because is shows willpower to not also succumb to laziness in life? Somehow, this does seem like something that a bunch of German philosophers would say. I don’t know how well this would apply to today’s US society though. Something tells me that the whole “male as the provider” mentality will not go well with progressive people who favor more equal gender roles.
RE: Mr. Deida’s reason for no climax (so you pay more attention to the woman and don’t go to sleep). Is the behavioral response of the male (not sleeping) more important than the reason for this behavior (he still wants to bang)? One might also assume other reasons for this atypical behavior, that is, the woman might react as “am I not attractive and therefore you cannot climax”. Maybe we should get some female input, because otherwise, this is starting to sound like a bunch of men deciding what is best for women.
FTR, i have deviated outside my german readings, Deida is America and I believe jewish. As for the contemporary societal roles, he does describe the history of roles and how they relate in more modern times. He notes polar opposites attracting and the reasons for high divorce rates being depolarization of traditonal roles (men become feminine and women take on more masculine roles) which de-roots the foundation of relationship. I am curious to know the opposite sex’s opinion on this matter. Would the everlasting ability to engage in intercourse triump the notion of no release? I dont expect to hear from nana because she despises me but perhaps krnyc can add some insight.
So snoring on top of them after you bust is bad? Does anyone know a three step program I can take to learn more?
Agreed. What’s point of boning if you don’t blow a load?
Combine this with no-fap, and life is not worth living.
First, imo the amount of “attention” needed after is much less than guys tend to imagine.
Second, it would worry any woman. Whether she decides she isn’t attractive enough for you or that you might a dysfunction you’ll have to deal with a freaked out woman.
Come on guys. There are positions that are mind-blowing for your partner and only mildly pleasurable for you. Spend a few minutes in those positions to get your partner where she needs to be once or twice and then move into a firing position. Everyone wins.

First, imo the amount of “attention” needed after is much less than guys tend to imagine.
That’s what professional cuddlers are for.

Come on guys. There are positions that are mind-blowing for your partner and only mildly pleasurable for you. Spend a few minutes in those positions to get your partner where she needs to be 3 or 4 times and then move into a firing position. Everyone wins.

- it is LOSE, not loose - sorry, but that’s a major pet peeve of mine
I’m like a medieval archer. Ready, aim, LOOSE! I can knock an apple off her head.
Despite the information i set forth describing the author’s opinion as it relates to women, the other aspect that has yet to be discussed is the aftermath of your mood upon release, for i think we can all agree we are less motivated. I believe monks partake in this practice to elevate themselves to the highest level of intelligence and, if i recall correctly, more of you may have seen a seinfeld episode where george goes without sex and experiences a drastic increase in his appitude for knowledge.
Finally, i left out one critical point, that release is not to be abstined from indefinetely. It should be done on your own account, therefore your woman should not be able to control when it occurs.