Accepting responsibility for Clinton's loss

The other problem with bringing manufacturing jobs back is that every other country is also trying to do the same…

Yes, but I don’t really see how reshoring is going to work in practice. Ok, maybe he throws up (with Congress’ approval, if he can get it) a whole bunch of tariff barriers to protect US industries. Now, suddenly everything costs more, consumption in terms of number of products goes down, and we enter stagflation.

The best I can imagine in this scenario is that some jobs come back, prices rise, and we slowly learn to get used to them. Misery might get redistributed, but I don’t see the aggregate changing much.

It would depend on implementation. But you could also argue that in a top heavy wealth distribution a little redistribution isn’t the worst (realizing that that’s not what he’s pushing).

I’m not convinced there will be much misery redistribution upwards. Perhaps the top will be upset that they used to be making money hand-over-fist, and now they are merely making “boatloads”, but I suspect that what will happen is that some jobs will come back under the tarrif structure, but it won’t be enough to make up for the drop in labor participation rates. And then the inflation of prices due to tarriffs and increased domestic labor costs will make the pinch feel even worse for those who can’t get one of the reshored positions.

Anyway. One of the things I liked about Trump was that he spoke as if he saw these as relevant issues (I liked this about Bernie, too), but I don’t actually see what he can do to bring the jobs back.

Bring back the stay-at-home parent. Strong job market overnight.