Advice for 5-year career plan

I would have told him to get his CPA and aim for a VP of F&A (Finance and Accounting) role. Therefore, his should look at taking the CPA and moving into a Management role. P.S. someone should send him a message on linkedin and let him know we have answers to his question, lol

You still need a CPA to sign off on your hours. Also, depending on what state he’s in, his experience as a Financial Analyst might not cut it. Re 2nd tier MBA: Bloomberg doesn’t even rank his program (DePaul Graduate School). Unless someone else pays for it and you get a career bump, unranked (or low tier) MBAs just don’t ever have a positive NPV. Then again, it also depends on the costs. *shrug*

looks like he never completed the curriculum. wonder if going back he wishes he did.

@el, Don’t trust rankings! Bloomberg ranks University of Delaware above Georgetown for the part time MBA! That’s some bull.