Advice for a Level 3 Candidate?

I’ll give a brief synopsis of my background: Level 3 Candidate ~1 year experience in Fund Accounting before starting Graduate School MSc in Finance with a 3.84 GPA (graduating this December) Halfway done with an MSc in Statistics with a 4.0 GPA (should be done by next December or May 2010). I’m doing my MSc Finance and MSc Statistics from the same school. I can complete the MSc Statistics program via distance education. My current problem, presumably along with many other people, is that I am finding very little openings for entry level positions in quantitative analytics. I have been using recruiters this semester, to no avail. I wonder, if in this market, recruiters are pretty much useless? I would like any opinions on what you recommend I do. I will be at home in the spring as a full time Statistics student. Would some sort of trading project with statistical analyis be of benefit or would this be of little value? I am open to suggestions.

What grad school do you attend, if you don’t mind me asking.

Texas A&M University

Could look into performance measurement/analytics or product control/middle office stuff.

Ever thought about energy trading? One of my friends worked at Bear Energy in Houston and was kept when Bear Sterns went tits up because energy traders were in high demand (not sure if this is still the case since commodity prices have come down).

Check out:

TA I have a feeling risk management and treasury will be key areas where well rounded sharp people are needed. Amarillo Bank is quite a large one in Texas that I know of, perhaps treasury analysis at that institution?