After the exam

I don’t think i’ll drink that much after the exam (that part of my life is over). Probably take a few days off and go to the Cape with friends. Sleep more. Workout more.

amen to sleeping more…

dude… I just want to make it, i forgot why I started this shit to begin with…

yea dude, passing consumes most of my thoughts. Hard to ficus on anything else.

We’ve all become the same person.

I’ll be heading to the Maldives…

vegas immediately… getting on the 730 southwest flight from LAX to vegas. Then drink as much as humanly possible and hit the strip clubs.

i’m going to have a party either that saturday or sunday to celebrate the coming months of freedom. the monday after the test, i’m starting p90x to try work off the weight i’ve gained

After the exam, I am hoping to spend some time with my husband and kids…hopefully the kids still remember who “mom” is…