
95.35463 = 102.4/(1+x)^3 stupid question but how would you figure this out. solving for x

use your calculator 102.4/95.35 to the power of 1/3 less 1

1/95.35463 = (1+x)^3/102.4 Multiply both sides by 102.4 102.4/95.35463 = (1+x)^3 1.0738859 = (1+x)^3 1.0738859^1/3 = 1+x 1.024045-1 = x

(1+x)^3 = 102.4/95.35463 = 1.0739 1+x = (102.4/95.35463)^1/3 x = ((102.4/95.35463)^1/3) - 1 Going by the mistakes I am making these days I think someone should re-confirm this!!!

A bit more fancy, if you dare: (1+x)^3 = 102.4/95.35 3 Ln (1+x) = Ln (102.4/95.35) 3 Ln (1+x) = 0.0713 Ln (1+x) = 0.024 1+x = e^0.024 1=x - 1.024 x=0.024 Actually I always do it like this! Yuck.

I would have approached it like this, trying to get that annoying denominator by itself and going from there: 95.35463 = 102.4/(1+x)^3 1: multiply both sides by (1+x)^3 => (1+x)^3 * 95.35 = 102.4 2: divide each side by 95.35 => (1+x)^3 = 1.07 3: Take the cube root of each side, which is the same as raising it to the 1/3rd power => ((1+x)^3)^(1/3) = 1.07^(1/3) ==> 1+x = 1.0228 4: subtract the 1 => x = .0228

thanks, X is = to .02405. I just couldnt remember how to get rid of the exponent!