Always lit, yeah I'm never sober! The FIRE Thread

the FIRE subreddit is a disaster. so many cluless ppl. lliek ohai said most of them are in their 20s and have no idea what they are talking about

here’s an interesting article on where you rank in terms of net worth!–2-to-11-2019-10-01?mod=mw_share_twitter

yea but i think their inflation is like 50 percent. their banks are also trading like shit. also their govt defaults a lot.

i guess you can find fulfillment in building an empire?

cant confirm!


The 10 Cheapest Countries To Live or Retire | You Might Not Need to Work

Mulling over screwing around a couple years, so bump

i think i’ve racked up enough to retire in some of those places in perpetuity. as a single man. but since i am starting a family, i think i need a million now. so maybe 5 to 7 years. depending on how much i contribute.

this dude gavce a detailed account of monthly expenses in philippines with his wife. roughly 22k per year. he’s prolly missing about a g in mortgage. so its really 34k. so you need a net worth of 850k with a 4% withdrawal.

anyways the smarter move imo is to just rack up a million then find a hot cheap wife in a third world country. i think w/o a fam i can do it in 5 years.