Am I lagged behind?

Hey Guys, I just finished all the readings on the Schweser Notes and started doing practicing exams yesterday. Am I lagged behind? What is the progress for most of the guys?

You should be fine. Just plow through Q bank and start on practice exams. If you can finish Qbank before April 5 with >70 I would say you’re off to a fine start.

April 5? Uh oh…

raoul duke Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You should be fine. Just plow through Q bank and > start on practice exams. > > If you can finish Qbank before April 5 with >70 I > would say you’re off to a fine start. Thanks buddy. What are your scores like? It has been two days and I am still on the first exam. I have to take a look back to the notes for nearly every question. It is killing me, but I used to have the same experience when doing Level 1. I know It will be better after 3 to 4 practicing exams. Good luck to everyone.

I have only done 20% and I have a 71% with a large variance. Do them quickly. Try to see all the topics and get lots of quick review. Repetition is really key. If you move fast you can bang out 60 qs in 1.5- 2 hours. You may not finish the qbank, but you’ll be all the better for having done MANY questions. Then you can start drilling down on topics later with the schweser book 1 and 2 exams in the last 4 weeks. At least that’s my strategy.

I think the marginal utility of Qbank starts declining pretty quickly after you get to about 40% of the questions. I think for L1 I did about 47% of Qbank and found that the questions just started repeating themselves way too often. I’m convinced Qbank thinks that a question with answers A B C is a different question if the answers are laid out as C B A

Funny you should bring that up. I had the same question 2x in a row just now. Same EXACT format, different numbers. Still, it is very good for hammer home the basics before you get started on the “real exams”, i.e. Schweser book 1 and 2 and the CFAI material.