I’ve started my preperations for CFA lv1 Dec . But I’m taking it a bit slow and relaxed now , just trying to make notes and trying to understand the concept .
So far i’ve done :
Ethics . completed 3 standards (Till duty to clients)
Economics . completed the 1st reading fully/reading 13 . (Demand and supply intro)
I’, looking forwards to complete full of ethics , 2 more readings of economics , derivates and a major chunk or the whole of quantitative meathods and small parts of Financial reporting and analysis . by july 31st .
I havent yet registered , will be registering on 31st july for Lv1 and will start reading the CFA material for ethics and will solve the questions for all the subjects from em.
Before october I have planned to do the whole portions 2wice and solve all the EOC’s . Last month (NOV) . I will only be revising my summary and doing practice tests . Will be cooling off the last 2 weeks before exam .(prolly heading out with frds etc… ).
I would like to know if my study plan is good enough and if i am on track for a successful debut at the CFA lv1 on dec 2014 .
I’m also sitting on december 7th and I already read the whole curriculum one time and did all the EOC questions (I know it’s early but I’ve the time to study during working hours). I did a mock exam scored 78% and now I’m taking the summer off and will re-read the curriculum again. Make sure you have 1 month to review and to a lot of mocks !
I only did a quick first read of ethics, but moved on to Quants as my first topic. Ethics i’ll leave till last. Formulas i can memorise and retain, but heavy reading i cannot.
I am also a level I candidate for 6 Dec exam. I finished the whole ethics section last week and just started quantitative methods. I think start with ethics then review it along the way is better for me. I wake up very early in the morning to finish my CFA exam study before anything else.
I plan to start from July. I want to study corporate finance & fixed income in the beginning. Then move to financial reporting on weekdays, while going through quants on the weekends.