AM paper query

While answering morning paper , if i am using pen and i want to change answer to the question in template, what options do i have? Especially for questions whr you need to circle “agree” or “disagree”. Should i completely cross the wrong answer(already circled) and thn circle the new answer? Will that create confusion for grader? Or i can simply write my answer in justification box. Damn ths morning session is frustrating…

I think you cross out your correction, circle the other one and put an arrow point at it saying, “This one”

So long as it’s clear it doesn’t have to be neat.

I don’t think it’s a big deal - the graders are human. If there is no doubt to which one you chose, then you will get the marks if it was the right answer. Crossing out one and highlighting the other is pretty clear which one you chose as your final answer…

I have read horror stories is this forum that makes me think twice about this statement.