AM technique - final tips

So I think we’re pretty much at the stage where we know as much as we’re going to know in the bulk, and the next few days can fill any gaps.

But my main question is:

What are the key techniques you use to ensure you don’t fall into any traps due to exam structure / timing?

I heard some say re-order question attempts, and write the time to move on on the side of the paper…is there any more we use that would class as ‘technique’ tips

Only sip a bit of water before the exam. No wee breaks. Number 1 AM tactic…

No pee breaks.

Underrated but true. my normal morning large coffee ritual will need to be altered.

Other than that, writing down time at each question and target time to be finished is a must for me.

I don’t like the calculating the time technique. Don’t need to calculate anything else. I am going with if I don’t know the answer immediately in relation to the minutes of the question, I am skipping and coming back. Hopefully it works.

I have been strategizing and pondering this…

I have been thinking of skipping 3 min questions… Lets say you skip 10-3min questions… that can yield you 30 min… you lower your total achievable score to 150… but out of that 150, you score 84%, netting you 126 points… you will come out at 70% overall…

I feel that getting as close to 70% for the written portion should be the goal, and not necessarily completing the whole AM Portion…

Obviously, the reason of my strategy is that I am not completing the AM in the time allowed, and am on average 10% over on time.

With the strategy mentioned, you can double back should time permit, and hit those questions…

Any other thoughts or strategies?

I am planning on tackling the items I know well first like IPS ind. and Inst. typically are big items too … two reasons for this… 1. will get most points there (better chance of getting 100% points)

  1. Build my confidence of feeling good to tackle the tough questions: I find if I hit a tough question I lose confidence and that caries through rest my exam and I will lose easy points to carelessness

I actually think the lower minute questions offer the greatest opportunity for time alpha. a one liner or easy calc is typically what they ask for and only takes 1-2min for easy points. That said, if ya don’t know it, just move on.

I’m going to give AM one more try. I’m just below the 3hr mark in timing.

If I can find an extra 10mins somewhere that would be ideal.

I’m pretty gung ho with my calculator at times using it for even the most simplest calculations that can be done in my head. My save me a few minutes…

I am simply going by question order, and taking 1 minute at the beginning of the exam to write out at what time I have to be done with each question (i label the cut off time at the top of each section, so I know how I am doing for time throughout the exam). I find that this system works for me. For example; Portfolio Management - Individual 23 Marks (I write at the top of the page (9:23) Portfolio Management - Institutional 18 Marks (I write at the top of the page (9:41) and so forth…

thats a great idea. I’ve been trying to figure out the most efficient way to do this… I’m not super worried about time - I’m more worried about being worried about the time and rushing when I don’t need to do so. Having this down eliminates needing a stop watch. It’s tough the way cfa shows “time remaining” and not time elapsed so that it’s hard to calculate remaining question time etc.

haha well I hope it helps you Powerhog. It has provided me with some piece of mind, It’s also helps with knowing if you are ahead of the curve in terms of time, or if you need to get your behind going and get off the question you’re currently stuck on.

I tried that but sometime write the wrong time down and get screwed over lol. so i’m going to use my stop watch and reset it after each set. that’s worked best for me

hahaha not gonna lie, happened to me once before, luckily I was ahead of the curve :stuck_out_tongue:

It will be know-it & write-it type for me. So, I answer what I know and don’t think to much, if I don’t know I let it blank and comeback at the end. Personally, time was not an enormous constraint when I did the 2016 AM mock exam, and it was not for the first and second level too. If it was a enormous constraint, I may do the topic I know by heart first… rather score 80% on 14 pts than 50% on 22 pts. Good luck

are you allowed to bring a stopwatch? I brought a stop watch that was not attached to my wrist… just a simple start stop timer and they would not let me bring it into the testing center.