And she’s back

I’m officially back into the swing of things… life was crazy for a while there (read: crappy) and I missed the ’08 exam :frowning: but was just reviewing the board and it looks like my ol’ L1 pals are still around… mwvt9, mcpass, cfaboston28, bannisja. Good luck to ya’ll… Feel a lil left out of the excitement… maybe I should pick up my books and start reading… my brain is out of shape.

How do you look like?

nolabird! Good to hear from you…missed you this year. Hope everything is going well now. Are you planning on sitting for level II in 09?

wb, nola!

Mrs. NOOOOOOOLA now! I’ll probably be right next to you for L2 next year, don’t you worry.


hahaha. you guys are great! Thanks everyone :slight_smile: mwvt- Life is good. Learned a few life lessons along the way, which is most def a lot more valuable than any CFA exam… how did everything turn out for you (didn’t you post something about your mom or mother-in-law? or was that mcpass? In some weird way… I missed AF. I can’t wait to get back to my obsessive logging massive number of hours on here. I’ll be sitting for the '09 exam… L2 of course. Still have my unopened books from when I signed up last year… I’m afraid I forgot a ton of stuff from L1, but I’m sure it will all come back when I get back into the groove.

nolabird032 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > hahaha. you guys are great! Thanks everyone :slight_smile: > > mwvt- > Life is good. Learned a few life lessons along the > way, which is most def a lot more valuable than > any CFA exam… how did everything turn out for > you (didn’t you post something about your mom or > mother-in-law? or was that mcpass? > Yeah that was me. My MIL is still going strong. Those will her type of cancer generally don’t make it past 3 months. She is on month 9. Still trying to shrink the thing down and get it out.

when it comes down to an individual… statistics don’t matter. That is really great!

Welcome back. How is BF?

i guess it has been a while. he got a promotion in Feb from bf to Mr. Nolabird :slight_smile: going to have a 2nd ceremony next summer in italia. relatively speaking… he’s fantastic. had his first follow-up a month and 1/2 ago… so far, so good. There is a fairly good chance of it coming back over the next 5 yrs or so (40%) and will have checkups every couple of months or so. He is doing 100000000% better than he was a few months ago.

Good to hear Nola…and congratulations.