And the long wait begins..


Made it back to the gym yesturday. Got on a treadmill and nearly died.

My to do list:

  1. Watch the NBA finals while drinking copious amounts of craft beer.

  2. Get back into basketball shape before fall parks & rec league

  3. Pick up my violin and learn a song or two.

  4. Not be such a turn around the house. Wife is prego and working full-time. Need to be a decent hubby.

haha I have been putting on weight since I started studying for this… for the past few months have not gone to the gym!! and the thought of starting gym all over again already makes me sooo lazyy, but need to get back in shape !!! have become too lazy post exams

Ran the 5K jpm corporate challenge 2 days before the exam! woohoo!

I’m hitting the gym again and watching the FIFA worldcup !

I ran 4 miles before the test on Saturday and probably slept 3 hours the previous night. Had no effect on me due to the adrenaline