So… Having done AM 2006-16, the 6 Schweser ones and read 2004-06, i have noticed (you probably all have) the different way of answering.
Schweser is very much answering the question asked and nothing more…e.g. He exhibits this bias, because this… Or use an formula with abbreviation, get a result say what it means and enough said… On the other hand Officials seem to be more chatty, full-on explanations on formulas (even bloody Sharpe), an discussion. Or good example those that discuss how characteristics of DB affect risk tolerance; one is brief and to the point, the other one mini-essay.
I understand that they are doing it to an extend to assist learning, but what are you doing in the exam?
I think that time wise, will get me to lean towards Schweser and then if (unlikely) got any time to spare go back and supplement…