
Do you seriously not see how this comment is offensive to both women and gay people? Are you this offensive at work?

ddrobinett, I’m glad you find it ok to offend certain groups but you’re too dumb to try to bully anybody on this forum, sorry.

suck on what? a cock? quit gay bashing dean.

you ultra sensitive prick

the most rude collection of cells and membranes to come out of Canada : frankz

“Everybody get together, try to love one another right now”

I love everyone. Especially gay people.

All animals are equal. Some are more equal than othes.

Hey Frankz ,

You making so little money that you need to throw up on a forum? Or is it something else? Tell us what’s wrong.

Either way, thanks for writing because i’m entertained by retards like you.

Ok. dose not matter. But you gotta know that I am not as weak as you think. Swiss sweetie.

Wow, wow,wow, such a Canadian.

My derivative lecture was a Canadian. He is very nice. It looks I have to change some opions on Canadians.

Wether I can pass the exam is not on your decision, doggy. It proves that you are better in barking.

Maybe I can use your mother to prove my sex orientation. Your mother will be never more excited in her entirely life.

Shame on you, you pollute the kindness of Canadians.

Let me help you out, Jackie Chan. You’re not insulting well enough.

“You don’t know me, bitch! You ain’t the judge of me! Don’t just sing it–bring it!”

“And you callin’ me gay? That’s not what your mom said last night!”

(If anybody else has a better interpretation, I’d love to hear it.)

Low blow on the race stuff. I didn’t know cfa candidates could go that low.

qqqbee? is that you?

Guys… guys!! This has gone too far (and I’m talking to frankz and ddrobinett AND chris.chan). I’ve been on this forum for like 3 years now and I’ve never seen so much hatred and disrespect here. Shame on you! Such behaviour must not be something that a CFA charterholder presents…

Guys , GO study … what is going on here !!!

This is very disappointing to see on AF, some of you people need to grow up

Let’s bring Barney out and sing

“I love you You love me We’re a happy family With a great big hug and A kiss from me to you Won’t you say you love me too? I love you You love me We’re best …”

Sorry for the crap, but time to move on.

Examwise, the last exam, whether hard or easy, can result in “Last Exam Syndrome”.

You got an excitement feeling it would over after this one, but you also start to worry if you can’t make it, which implies with the saying, its close but yet so far.

Just concentrate on the exam, avoid loss regret

I quit, not studying as some uncommon species said, but quarelling. Probably ancient Chinese were right:

once you are bited by a dog, it would be absurd to re-bite that bastard.

Thanks to everybody, it’s done.

i repeat

What’s up with this post?

I am Canadian and also Chinese. So all of you guys stop saying Canadians are this or that and stop calling people Jackie Chan. Atleast use smarter remarks, be creative and use your brain a little.

Mom jokes and Jackie Chan? Pathetic little kids.