any CFA candidates smoke weed?

Like the way booze makes people better drivers?

^^ no

but it may heighten your creativity and lead to an epiphany. valuation is science and art

So then wouldn’t you be violating COE if you made any investment decisions without smoking some weed first since you would lack creativity?

or it can make you see assets on the balance sheet that really isn’t there…

marijuana is used as medicine or for recreation…shouldn’t be mixed with business…

You’re such a pessimist. It could let you see off balance sheet assets that really are there. I know…mind blown.

I would think you would have to start off be a pretty bad investor for a drug that produces “lack of clarity” to improve your portfolio picks and/or management.

If you generate negative alpha while sober/straight, being stoned probably makes your picks closer to random, i.e. the market portfolio.

So if weed makes your decisions better, then you likely do poorly in the first place.

On the other hand, there is something to be said for creativity and seeing connections that you wouldn’t see normally. So if you do some analysis while high, but revisit it with a clear head, perhaps there can be marginal improvements. Connections that you first find while high - if proved out while not high - might possibly do some good.

It’s a tough marketing call. “Cannais Capital Management” might attract a lot of lookers, but who’s gonna bite? :wink:

I know some guys that smoke up daily and are absolute academic beasts and very successful professionally as well. One of which graduated at or near top of his class in some form of database architechture program from CMU. Chibwack, your dismal academic performance could be attributed to failure to adjust from HS to University, the two years you took off or to any number of intangible factors. Personally for me, I know it really effects my motivation and ability to concentrate, and I’m far too busy to block of hours of time, so I don’t mess with the ganja for the same reason I don’t drink very often either. However, as I’ve stated I know many people that are much less effected, so good for them. You just gotta know your limitations.

Could it enhance ability? Anyone that plays video games knows the answer…

you can be a pothead and an academic…not sure you can do that if you work in ibanking or any of the tough stressful jobs…

academia i think is one of the best fields to be in…

It helps if you’re not white, male, or straight.

Academe doesn’t want to give tenure any more (it’s expensive), and if they do, they certainly don’t want to give it to anyone that can’t help them with accusations that they aren’t diverse enough (too many tenured white males from a time when diversity wasn’t an issue), so new blood better be some other color, or female, or an alternative sexual preference that doesn’t scare parents. Those candidates can be just as qualified, it is true, and there are historical injustices that need to be corrected, but if you’re not a diversifier, then you just have to accept are in for a massively uphill battle (foreigners get some extra slack, so play that up if you can).

Then there’s the problem that the university business model is broken. It’s no longer adding value sufficient to justify debt in most fields. Eventually, those nice perks are going to disappear as universities run out of money. Much of the university system in the US was built during the Cold War, when government grants were a major source of income. The perception was we needed this research to beat the Soviets.

But now cash flow is tight, and academics aren’t always the best financial managers. That’s why the university is increasingly composed of 1) big-name stars that can attract students (study with Nobel Prize winner X), 2) diversifiers that show the diversity of the community and look good in brochures, 3) adjuncts who teach 15 week courses and cost only $3500 per course and no benefits.

But in terms of work/life balance, it’s hard to beat classical academe. Whiny students and their helicopter parents are the main daily problem. The other is that in order to publish on new topics, you generally get pushed to more and more marginal subject material.

People laugh at the bizzare journal titles that get published, but part of this is because most of the real-world relevant stuff has already been covered fairly extensively. You don’t get very far by republishing those kinds of results.

This is one of the criticisms that finance people make of academics: that they don’t understand the real world. The truth is that many academics DO understand the real world, but if you look at their publications, it looks like they are talking about radically inappropriate models of the real world. But much of that is really just because in order to get something mathematically tractable and complex enough to be publishable, you have to make tons of unrealistic assumptions.

So you have to divide academics into 1) the ones that believe all the mumbo jumbo, and 2) the ones that understand that these are all just approximations, and that in the real world you need to stop when the mathematical sophistication is not appropriate for the level of noise in the system.

^ “2) Diversifiers who will look good on brochures” Well that gotta hurt!

Respect Bchad. And my condolences. I get tired of all that affirmative action crap. I want to be looked at for my credentials and abilities. I don’t want to be the token brother who keeps the EEOC and ACLU at bay.

Have you thought of teaching overseas? I have a friend teaching in South Korea now, and he was not bilingual when we graduated.

seriously though - off the job and after hours — 420 is rampant in NYC

Spoken like a true brother.

Blake, what is your profession? Some of your ‘Clients’ drug test you?

Anyways, I heared that playing Jenga while high is a very spiritual experience.

I’ve known people to operate in high stress environments stoned. It helped them relax. I think it’d be interesting for a guy to get high, think of investment ideas and write them down. Then when he sobers up, evaluates them. No violation of ethics but still may get some Mary creativity ha ha

Washington State estimates Marijuana Tax Revenues of $560 million per year (and rising after the first year) if Initiative 502 passes in November. You could legally have up to 1 oz in your home. The former CEO of progressive (Peter Lewis) has given millions to make 502 pass. Go 502!!! cool

CFA…you will always be a token…even on here