HI First time appreaing level 3. Looking for combined study and/or group discussion. is anyone avaiable here?
Hey, I’m in Toronto…I’d be interested in going over some material with some discussion…Let me know if you see this message. I doubt I’ll start to study for a few months though…
Sent you an email
I’m in. Near North York area as well. I plan to start after X’mas. Regardless of differences in our study plan and main material we are going to use, group discussion is great when it comes to sorting out some complicated concept. Email below: stlimpbizkit@gmail.com
Anyone from downtown…around financial district?
yea scarlette, I work in the financial district (live out of the city though) you work anywhere near Bay and King?
I’m on Bay street too. Maybe we can start a downtown study group!
sure…I’d be very interested in that. I work near York and King West (about 5 minute walk to Bay)… we could arrange some place to go over problems once in a while if you wanted…i’m new to Toronto so I don’t know where a good spot to meet would be haha what’s your email? I’ll give you a shout
My email is mich.7742@gmail.com. I am planning to start studying in December. We can schedule to meet up around then?
Hey Scarlette - sounds great. I’ll email you next month and we can meet for a coffee sometime to talk about the study plans (if you’d like)
Sounds good to me buyside. If there’s anyone else interested in meeting downtown, feel free to email me.
Not sure if anyone formed a group yet. First time preparing for level 3. I work downtown as well. If you are interested please email me at the following address: gmat451@gmail.com
i jsut started!!! i’m downtown as well, pls pm me if anyone wants to study together, or go through notes etc
I’m new to Toronto and work downtown at Bay/Wellington…just starting to prep for L3. Can anyone suggest decent study spots in the downtown area? please PM, thanks.
I work On Bay Street and live in Downtown West.
Anyone interested in studying together on weeknights or weekend? PM me.
Any traction here? Let me know - PM