Any thoughts on this stock - i put 50% of my personal portfolio

It has come up with masks that kill Covid 19.

The first question I think you should ask yourself before entering into a big position in any stock is “why me?”. What view/information do you have about the stock that others don’t have? If you don’t have such view/information, there’s no point in taking a big position. Those video clips you posted are already priced in; they’re yesterday’s news.


Either you have insider information (also known as "material, nonpublic information) and you can’t use it, or you don’t have insider information and the information you have is useless.
Either way you look at it, a “hot stock tip” is worthless.


I did my undergrad with a guy who thought he had “inside information” because he followed Warren Buffet on Twitter. I’m not kidding.
The guy was also really big on TA too. Probably not the smartest kid on the block.

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This mask has the potential to make huge sales and the work done to get this far will pay off i believe. Id kick myself if i lost out on being a part of it.

The thing is that those expectations are already priced in.

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If you think that the markets have priced it wrong and the price doesn’t reflect the stock’s potential, then you should buy it. But I must ask you again: what is your edge? Unless you can clearly state your edge regarding the stock, you might as well play lottery.

FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out - Regret aversion bias.


this is a really poor attempt at a pump and dump. try WSB, little guy.


Sounds like you’ve got your mind made up. Good luck. I’ll stick with Gamestop put options and triple-levered ETF’s.

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half of your entire portfolio on a single stock? didn’t you learn in level 2 that you are better off with a diversified portfolio and that prices already reflect public information (the efficient market hypothesis)?

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lol are you saying the WC doesn’t have enough firepower ?


Yeah, there are some heavy hitters here! (Not me though, my Bitcoin investment is going shitty and that’s the first and last speculative investment I’ll ever do)

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Liquidating my savings account now to buy call options.

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Does Charles Slob now sell option slices?


I like how the British anchor says “mawsks”. :face_with_monocle: :princess:

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RMS is the new Gamestop… at 2.5pence. i will post back after a few months after reaching 10 pence:)

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Hell majority of Americans prolly have the over 50% of their net worth in a single asset… their house lol.


for most people, their house is not really an asset, but rather a liability. It doesn’t generate a revenue stream and you have to pay property taxes, insurance and what-not.

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Yea but should it be included in net worth?