Any traders in the house

Any of you guys traders (refereing to sell-side mostly)??? and if so, why are doing this? i work middle, so i figure it might help me out, as my firm loves to hire middle guys to go into trading…

Im a trader. And I have no idea what your question is asking.

Why you can’t ready japanenglish? He just wants do know what you like trading (I think)

CFA, this is a CFA forum

Question seems to be a simple one … Urymoto1 percieves the CFA to be a qualification that could help facilitate a move from the middle office to the front office. Therefore Urymoto1 can’t see why anyone that is already in the front offce (trading on the sell side) would bother taking the CFA.

Because being a trader isn’t the job that will make you happy…?? Or perhaps you want to do this because the theoretical background helps you in your day-to-day work or your counterparties/colleagues rank you higher with the initials behind your name. Or… or…etc

“Any of you guys traders (refereing to sell-side mostly)??? and if so, why are doing this?” Well, I didnt know what this meant. If Im a trader (I am) why am I TRADING? If anything, thats what I thought. As for the answer, assuming you’re asking why Im taking the CFA, the answer is because its an incredibly useful tool in demonstrating one’s knowledge across a broad section of topics, one that lends weight to my analysis for my clients, and it instantly demonstrates to any prospective employers that I am capable of achieving something that isnt necessarily so easy (assuming Im able to finish and achieve that which isnt easy). “i work middle, so i figure it might help me out, as my firm loves to hire middle guys to go into trading…” More or less, the CFA is not necessary from a trading standpoint. If you wanted to get into the anlaytical side of things, then sure, it helps. But for trading, experience out on a desk should be far more consequential. You might know the DDM, but if you dont know what an MOC is, you’re going to have a tougher time.

What is a trader? Am I in the right forum?