Anyone else getting PMs from TinyTitanic accounts?

Says he studied for level 1…has a PCP issue

Yeah… i received this message from him/her yesterday

I feel like this one is on him - bad moves

I got this message, too. Glad I wasn’t the only one. I wonder how many he sent out.

Guys he simply is worried, I guess stipulating the facts is the way to go as this is the only way to go about it.

i didn’t get one. now i feel left out.

Yes got one too

I got two… Its out of eagerness and he is simply worried…

Unfortunately, there is no way to help him now…

I will say this: I don’t think he should make any arguments about a flickering light costing him fifteen minutes.

I think that sounds like he is grasping at straws and was too easily distracted (everyone else would have to deal with the light).

Also, number 5 seems pretty weak. Sure, the proctor didn’t say which oval he was marking, but that doesn’t matter. The rules clearly say do not mark any oval after time. I would imagine that if you need to fill in your name (or something similar), you would call a proctor over and ask for permission as one or two of them watch you fill in your name and only your name.

What do you all think? Maybe he’ll take a peek at this thread…

Poor guy.

It tend to side against CFAI on these sort of things but these were foolish.

Let this serve as a lesson to all…


Titanic is meant to sink, no matter how tiny yours is.