Applying for Charter Prior to Results

I seem to recall last year having the option to apply for the Charter early as an L3 candidate before exam results were released. I believe I even received an email from CFAI encouraging me to do so. Well, it wasn’t a ‘tell’ as to performance because I failed band 10.

However, I do not believe I’ve received such and email this year. And also, when visiting the CFAI website, I can’t seem to find the option to apply early for the Charter. Does anyone else have this option? If so, where do you go on the site to do so. Thx.

I thought the Institute requires a period of post-exam work experience before granting the charter…

Is there a disadvantage of applying later for the charter? My understanding is once one receives the charter you have to start paying for membership and continuing education.

when is the level 3 result coming out??

Got it on June 21st. The email subject is: Want to know more about the grading process?

The link is:

Not sure if serious.

There are two types of membership: affiliate and regular. Affiliates can be any person with enough work experience who signs an ethical conduct statement, or a person who passes Level 1. You need to have recommenders and pay dues. Affiliate members are non-voting members and cannot receive the charter by getting 48 months of qualifying work experience cleared by CFA Institute, making them Regular members. Many candidates wait until they take level 3, but you can be a regular member far before you even take level 3. You have nothing else to do but pass the test, I was a regular member for a while before even sitting for level 3. All work experience cleared, recommenders, etc. Once you get your email results, you will see on the CFA website “John Doe, CFA” showing you were awarded the designation. Note: all qualifying work experience can be prior to level 3 results. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, thanks. This is based on my experience as a member, and having a colleague receive the charter last year in the same manner.

Anyone else got an email today with subject “Apply for Regular Membership Today!”?


I got the e-mail today at 1:18 PM

If you don’t get this email before 2pm est you’ve failed the June 2016 Level 3 CFA exam

What if already a Regular member!? Still fail!?

Member or not member. They send the email to everyone I believe. 10-2 emails go out to passing list. 2 onwards (maybe even tomorrow) emails go out to unsuccessful candidates.

And here we go… I hate that I received this today because it gets my hopes up even more (and i feel like CRAP even more if I dont pass). They really should wait till after the exam to release this email. This just plays a terrible mind game on an individual

I don’t think this is actually true.


I guess you should start celebrating and thump that chest like King Kong…

Last year, the email was titled ‘Get Ahead of the Crowd’… I got it at 10.31 ET; I failed buddy… cutting your celebration short??

“10-2 emails go out to passing list” - What does 10-2 mean?

What does 10-2 mean?