“Congratulations! You have been approved for Membership” It says this on CFA website, can’t remember if it was there last week. Lady on the phone said they are meeting this month to officially induct everyone or whatnot. Said should be receiving email soon. She also said as soon as you see CFA after your name on the site you are good to go.
you are referring to the member directory?
where is the member directory?
under your account, it is one of the buttons on top… what are you referring to then?
Is that on the “Membership Status” page? On my membership status page, it keeps telling me that my CONTACT INFORMATION is INCOMPLETE, even though I’ve filled it out several times and have always made sure that the items with the red stars are complete, and I fill in as much of the rest as is applicable. I emailed a lady at CFAI who says that I can rest assured that they’re looking at my stuff anyway, but in today’s computer age, I keep worrying that some key step will lock me out because for whatever reason, their database isn’t up to snuff. Oh well… I’ll keep fingers crossed (it worked for passing the exams).
What Happens When We Receive Your Application? 1. We review your application and sponsor forms 2. We make a member type recommendation based on your work history 3. We submit your application and member type recommendation to your chosen society 4. Societies have at least 45 days to review your application and respond (usually it doesn’t take this long) 5. Once the society approves your application, we activate your membership 6. Within two weeks of activation, you receive a welcome notice and access to your member benefits Lady on the phone said the society approved already so I am guessing withint two weeks I should get my letter.
Thanks for that. BTW, what society did you choose?
Mr.Good.Guy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > “Congratulations! You have been approved for > Membership” > > > It says this on CFA website, can’t remember if it > was there last week. Lady on the phone said they > are meeting this month to officially induct > everyone or whatnot. Said should be receiving > email soon. She also said as soon as you see CFA > after your name on the site you are good to go. I saw this today. Apparently now there’s a link to pay CFAI Membership dues on the same page.
My application is still under review but I think I submitted mine a few days after MGG so I expect my approval at some point this week. As an aside, what do you actually receive in the Charter tube? I’ve heard various details. Is it: a) the Charter and nothing else b) the Charter and a Code of Ethics certificate c) the Charter, some magic potion, and the address of your local lap-dancing club d) there is no d)
Now I see the advantage of Stamford over NYSSA. They approve you quicker! Congrats, MGG.
When do they ask you to pay dues? Once you see approved on your status (your local socy approves too)? Activation is done after you pay dues, no?
Yea lady on the phone said they bill you after you are approved.