Are there any Dec 2010 Level 1 Passers taking Level 2 in June 2011?

Just got my results - so I’m thinking of ordering my notes, etc for Level 2. Is there anyone here who is taking Level 2 in June 2011, but hasn’t started studying yet? Any advice from previous Level 2 takers who followed a similar schedule will be much appreciated!

Also just got my results, have covered Econ and Quant so far for L2, registering today for L2-June11. Good luck!

I’m in the same boat here - I just passed Level 1 about an hour ago, so I need to make a call on whether or not to take a run at Level 2 in June. I work in industry (oil & gas), so not investment banking hours, but not exactly a 9-5 either. I’m in London so it would take a week or so for the books to arrive, giving me roughly 4 months. Thoughts?

bright_lights_big_city Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I’m in the same boat here - I just passed Level 1 > about an hour ago, so I need to make a call on > whether or not to take a run at Level 2 in June. > > I work in industry (oil & gas), so not investment > banking hours, but not exactly a 9-5 either. I’m > in London so it would take a week or so for the > books to arrive, giving me roughly 4 months. > > Thoughts? If you can afford it there’s no harm in trying

I am in the same boat. I will definitely register and give 100% for 4 months but I am not sure whehter it’s doable in 4 months or not. Any thoughts, apprecaited. Be honest and bold. Anyway I am determined to take level 2 in June 2011.

Go for it guys… I will be retaking and was on the same boat… I encourage you, I should have passed but I didn’t really prepare well (efficiently enough) for it. You can read the curriculum, do mocks and sames in 4 months no problem. My sins when I took it were mainly: - Be ready for 15-20 hours minimum a week - Underestimating the beast, this is a whole new ball game a lot more difficult - Do not overweight Schweser of Stalla, in L2…CFAI text is key, IMHO - Practice retention (do problems) as you go along as you only get 1 shot of going through the curriculum - There are 120 questions rather than 240. So fewer topics get tested, you can no longer get away with not knowing a particular topic, cover everything and master it

Just passed Dec level I. Haven’t started for Level II yet. I’ll start tonight. I’m only working part time ATM tho, so I have time. Just didn’t have the enthusiasm to start w/o knowing my Dec. results. I’m still amazed only 36% of people passed that test. I thought it was pretty easy.

prophets Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just passed Dec level I. Haven’t started for > Level II yet. I’ll start tonight. I’m only > working part time ATM tho, so I have time. Just > didn’t have the enthusiasm to start w/o knowing my > Dec. results. > > I’m still amazed only 36% of people passed that > test. I thought it was pretty easy. Same - I’m not working though. Yet, might be going with FRM1 in May … need to decide in those 2 days. Guess 4 months should do it Omar

Passed the test :slight_smile: Will be taking L2 in June

Guille, Since you took this before , will you be willing to share your current study schedule based on your experience?

Guille_GE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Go for it guys… I will be retaking and was on > the same boat… > > I encourage you, I should have passed but I didn’t > really prepare well (efficiently enough) for it. > > You can read the curriculum, do mocks and sames in > 4 months no problem. > > My sins when I took it were mainly: > > - Be ready for 15-20 hours minimum a week > - Underestimating the beast, this is a whole new > ball game a lot more difficult > - Do not overweight Schweser of Stalla, in > L2…CFAI text is key, IMHO > - Practice retention (do problems) as you go along > as you only get 1 shot of going through the > curriculum > - There are 120 questions rather than 240. So > fewer topics get tested, you can no longer get > away with not knowing a particular topic, cover > everything and master it Guille, Since you took this before , will you be willing to share your current study schedule based on your experience?

Just passed, and I am all in for L2 in June. Goodbye television, see you on June 5th.

Just got my results for Dec 2010 and will be registering for June 2011 L2. What is the point of taking it in December if you are not going to go for it all by doubling up in June? After all, you are already accustomed to a lack of a social life and it shouldn’t take that long to get back into the grove of studying. Game Plan: Cover 1.5 Study Sessions per week, with at least one full day dedicated to reviewing/testing previous topics. Then, as for L1, take as many practice exams as possible (retaining the information was not the hard part for me, but knowing how to approach questions efficiently was key). Since I work 70 hours a week, my goal is to get 1.5 hours a day done on the weekdays (1 night off a week) and 4-7 hours a day on weekends. It also helps that I live in Chicago where it is cold as balls and the whole city will be dead for the next 2 months. All Schweser. As for the L1 exam, I thought it was really easy compared to all the other practice exams. Lastly, since this is my first post I want to thank everyone else who puts the time in to write on this forum. You might not always know it, but your contributions help and are very appreciated.

Passed level 1 last June, won’t start studying til the week after the Super Bowl

…I had actually resigned myself to failing L1 and thought I could laze abound in Feb…oh well… L2 is definitely doable from other people I’ve talked to. Good luck guys, let’s do this!

Hi, Don’t have a hard plan yet as I started recentl, just finished quant and econ, but what I’m doing now is planning about 20 hours a week. - I’m not using Schweser or Stalla notes, just CFAI as I feel that the CFAI test things where neither Schwerser and/.or Stalla are strong. - For every 3 hours of study… 2 are for reading new material… 1 is for problem solving on prior reads (Retention is key) - Just do as much practice questions (item set type) that I can get my hands on, Finquz, Scheweser, Stalla, BSAS, whatever I have time to do I think it is a your study plan will vary depending on your background and time you can devote.

So you already work 70 hours/week… You think you’re going to cover FRA in two weeks, then go on to digest 600 pages of Equity in another 2 weeks? brainwasher Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just got my results for Dec 2010 and will be > registering for June 2011 L2. What is the point > of taking it in December if you are not going to > go for it all by doubling up in June? After all, > you are already accustomed to a lack of a social > life and it shouldn’t take that long to get back > into the grove of studying. > > Game Plan: Cover 1.5 Study Sessions per week, with > at least one full day dedicated to > reviewing/testing previous topics. Then, as for > L1, take as many practice exams as possible > (retaining the information was not the hard part > for me, but knowing how to approach questions > efficiently was key). Since I work 70 hours a > week, my goal is to get 1.5 hours a day done on > the weekdays (1 night off a week) and 4-7 hours a > day on weekends. It also helps that I live in > Chicago where it is cold as balls and the whole > city will be dead for the next 2 months. All > Schweser. > > As for the L1 exam, I thought it was really easy > compared to all the other practice exams. > > Lastly, since this is my first post I want to > thank everyone else who puts the time in to write > on this forum. You might not always know it, but > your contributions help and are very appreciated.

Hey Robert, Thats the goal. Get home around 8, study for another hour and half to 2 hours and hit the sack. On the weekdays I don’t really do problems (except if it slows down at the office I will pull up the qbank and bang out some questions). On the weekend I will really focus on becoming proficient at understanding what the questions are looking for and refining any note cards I made while studying. As for the time, it helps that my commute is about 3 minutes from walking out my front door to sitting at my desk at the office. Also, is equity 600 pages in schweser? If so, then I may need to do some adjustments. I covered all of quant and econ this past week in schweser and scored an 78% on a 100 question schweser exam. Also, I don’t plan on even looking at the CFAI books (just used schweser for L1 and was >70% in all sections).

Just got the results! Yup looks like I’ll be jumping straight into this one now. No time to play around. One question. Does being an Accountant helps still? I am ACCA member. It’s UK Accountancy body. Not exactly equivalent of CPA in US but close. Regards, Mo

I just got my results that I passed level 1. I already have 70 hours on level 2. See you in June!