Are you a tool if you...

Gotta disagree with you here. We use GPA as an initial screen and if you don’t put your GPA it’s usually assumed that it’s because it isn’t good. If you have a graduate degree you might get away with it, but if you only have an undergrad degree and don’t put your GPA it’s going to look like you did so because you had a bad one.

Would it be wise for a candidate to tell people about how well they did on a CFA exam then (e.g., 90th percentile)? I think there is a very thin line between bragging and showcasing your merit to a potential employer.

So just for fun, I asked this question to my coworkers. While it doesn’t bother me at all, they generally felt that it would leave them with a negative impression. Now that said, they all mentioned that if you’re very new to finance (say recently out of school) it might make sense to share as a show of aptitude. But if you’re more experienced or educated, then it looks like you’re just padding your resume.

So there’s an extra datapoint for those to ponder on this question. Again, if your resume comes across my desk, and it includes this statement, I will ask you about it to the best of my ability verify if it’s true. However, if it’s in fact true I would not think poorly of you for it. But it seems I’m in the minority on that point.

thoughts on adding ", CFA to end of name in e-mail signature? E-mail name?

I don’t view this douchey at all. Most people i know that have CPA, CFA, CFP, etc. do it. The only one I am questionable on is when people put “, MBA” after their name. I don’t do it, but I’ve seen it.

The bottom of my blue box was over the 90th percentile. I’m definitely a tool. At least on a message board on a Saturday am. :slight_smile:

But my ethics subscore was at the 10th percentile so I got that to keep me humble.

Recruiters i’ve talked to have said things like mentioning passing on first attempts are good to mention on a resume as long as you don’t sound to big headed about it if/when it’s discussed in the interview. A lot of it has to do with the delivery in addition to the content. It’s as much about EQ as IQ for almost all jobs because you have to work with other people.

as long as the bottom of my blue box is above candidcam’s score i don’t feel like a tool