Attention Lazy Mask Wearers

Lol… yea, I will be the first to admit that the anger I feel is my own guilt. Part of me thinks I really am just a selfish jerk for not doing something as simple as pulling up a mask if I pass someone on the trail. However, the other part of me is really stubborn and can’t stand to do something dumb just because I am expected to.

I don’t really have a compliaint about others. This is all internal conflict. I was more hoping some of you would relate so I would feel less crazy🙃

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Nope, you’re nuts.

But I made myself look like a dumbass at work today, so … :man_facepalming: :man_shrugging:

Nice! Well, if I am a little crazy, I am glad I am at least aware of it​:slightly_smiling_face::+1:

@Destroyer_of_Worlds No offense, but you sound like a complete dweeb in this situation. Just ask the guy to put on his mask, end of story. If you don’t have the fortitude, or are that scared of a potential conflict, that’s on you (and it is sad).

:hocho: :broken_heart: :drop_of_blood:

Tough guy hiding behind his computer. It’s because of pot shot-taking buffoons like you that the average quality of posters here has precipitously declined over the years. Focusing on the obvious transactional solution instead of the bigger picture.

My wife was at the grocery store a few weeks back (I wasn’t there) and asked a guy to take a few steps back because he was breathing on her neck in the lineup. The guy literally told her to fu*k off and mind her own business. Then he asked her if she wanted to take it outside(!) Wtf is wrong with people. Security came and escorted the guy but she was pretty shaken up when she got home.

Wear the mask and get on with it. We’re all impacted by this thing yet some people think it’s all a perfectly designed conspiracy to disrupt and cause inconvenience to their mindless lives.


Is this for real? I cannot tell if you’re serious or trolling. If the latter then it’s pretty good.

I have had contractors in and out of the house doing an addition for the past month. First thing I did was make it explicitly clear that masks must be worn at all times. Had to repeat a few times as the work went on, I admit, but c’est la vie.

Person A isn’t wearing a mask while doing work for you. Work you pay them to do. You don’t like it. You politely insist that the person put it on. 30 seconds, problem solved. Everyone moves on.

Based on your post, you literally took no action to handle the issue except to make an angry post on an anonymous forum. And are now looking for sympathy.

I mean, based on your name-calling in your first response, it seems like it is you who is the angry person.

I got covid already. I am immune to it. And very likely can’t catch it again nor spread it. But th cdc still Says something like this is still a new disease and though it is likely that I will not spread it given the overwhelming evidence, I should still wear a mask to encourage others. So basically they are saying we aren’t sure but as of right now evidence points that I don’t need to wear a mask but wear one anyways so other people feel better. Honestly all this prolonged mask wearing shutdown crap is silly. They shoulda ended it like China in a month or just let it spread like wildfire. Anyways this recent pandemic has shown that the us is still number 1!

There is no overwhelming evidence that shows how long that immunity lasts. Actually, there is no evidence at all because it is a new virus. It may last lifetime, it may last 5 months. Until you check on the anti-bodies of already infected people prediocally, there can be no conclusion about how long the immunity lasts.

My father had it in April without showing any symptoms. But I still yell at my brother if he visits my parents without mask and precaution. Why? Because we don’t know if my father is still immune and the second variant will not make him sicker. He may be. But he may not be either. So why take the risk?

Simple as that!

Of course they should have done it like China but you forget the fact that America and the west are still full of morons who even decline to wear masks let alone getting locked down in their houses several weeks. IF the nation fully locked down until the beginning of June, the economy would be rolling like China’s today and Trump would be relected.

However, of course, he and they don’t have the brains to think ahead.

I don’t know whether wearing a mask helps or not and I really don’t care. What I don’t understand is that if you’re going to do some groceries, why wouldn’t you wear mask? It definitely can’t hurt you and the pain of wearing one is minimal.
But there’s a fine line between being a critical thinker and an obedient lamb who does anything an “expert” tells him to do. In my opinion, the measures taken to rein in Covid have really been excessive and I welcome people who criticize and point out the excesses. But I think it’s most beneficial to criticize those excesses that really have an effect on the people and the economy, for example the lockdowns, store closures and other restrictions etc. But wearing a mask has no “downside” so why not just pull one over your face?
I’m not sure how clearly I managed to say what I think but whatever :smiley:

I think the amount of reinfections worldwide is in the hundreds. Compared to about 50m that already recovered. So it’s a small amount. Mostly it’s people with shitty immune systems. I’m almost hiv positive that’s the case.

True anyways I’m still a firm believer that it isn’t a super serious disease. The panic caused more harm. Anyways right now in California, the amount of cases we are getting is off the charts. Leveling off between 40k to 60k per day.

The disease kills almost 400K people in 10 months and just killed more than 4000 people on Jan 7th (almost 1.2 times the number killed in 9/11) and the dude still thinks it is not a serious disease. :laughing:

Yes the reaction by the us killed millions of people in the countries they attacked. So it’s a bit more significant.

That’s a straw man. I hoped CFAs were better than making logical fallacies such as this one.

As for statistics:
Worldwide, covid-19 has now claimed 1.93 million lives. 373 thousands died in the US alone.
The likelihood of death is still low, but the bigger concern is the long-term effect for those who caught the virus.

Is 2m a lot for a historical context POV? There are about 7billion mind you. When the Black Plague hit Europe in the 1300s, almost half the population died. Something like 200m died on a world population of 500m. Now that is a real pandemic. This is nothing on that magnitude. The response on the other hand is nothing but pore overreaction and panic.

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