Hello all, just got my results today and would appreciate advice. I barely passed level 1, with every thing in the middle column and only equity over 70% and FRA under 50%.
how would you suggest I approach level 2 studies? Should I go over level 1 material to solidify my foundation or should I dive into level 2?
I would throw your Level 1 materials in a drawer and dive straight into Level 2 if you’re planning to push for the June exam. You’re going to have to work hard and work quickly. 4 months is not a lot of time for your first shot at Level II, depending on how many study hours per week you’re able to accomplish, so there’s really no time to refresh Level I concepts.
Yep, this. A lot of the Level II exam is built on Level I concepts and some forumulas, but everything you need to pass the Level II exam is right in the ciriculum.
I passed Level 1 with very bad preparation and minimal practise. Didn’t study for Alternate Investment or Derivatives at all!! Guess I got lucky . Can someone suggest a plan if I need to start from 1st Feb?? I need to give it in June 2016 for sure. Don’t really sure where to start. I studied Level 1 only from IFT