Basis for pass rate calculation

Hi every one,

Guess every one like me who attended CFA exam June 2017 is waiting for the results. I like to know one thing:

As per CFA Institute estimate, about 25% of registered candidates do not attend the exam. Are those candidate excluded from the denominator when calculating the passing rate? for example, CFA Level 3 pass rate is around 50%.Does this 50% count only actually attending candidates (75% of initially registered)? or 50% of 100% candidates who registered for the Exam?

Hope someone will kindly clarify.

Best of luck to all candidates.


The pass rate is the number of candidates who passed divided by the number who completed both the morning and afternoon sessions.

It always surprises me when I see this question asked by L2 and L3 candidates… no offense to OP. It just seems one of those things that would trigger a candidate’s inquisitive nature right of the bat… although in OP’s defense, pass rates should be disregarded, as they realistically should have no effect on a candidate’s strategy and ultimate preparedness for the exam.