Just replaced the battery of my calculator. Took like a solid 10-15 minutes of fumbling around (screws are so tiny and they were tight as hell). If you’re debating it or you don’t have a second calculator I’d put a fresh battery in there now. Having to replace it mid exam would be brutal. I’ve had the calculator for almost 5 years on the same battery, definitely noticed a difference (faster) with the new battery in there.
i am stupid. do you have the 12c platinum? I’m taking your advice, butI can’t seem to figure out what to do after i get the screw off. There does not seem to be a way to get the battery out- in fact, that little tiny screw i struggled with didn’t even seem to be holding anything in, and unrelated to the battery. push and slide, pulling, tugging,all doesn’t work. battery is like embedded. wtf i really am dumb.
i dropped my calculator a week ago - still works - although i do have a back-up
No I have the TI BAII Plus. I had to pry the thing open with the little screw driver as well. I was ready to go get a backup just in case.
Instead of trying to earn my Charter, I’m thinking I should just set up a battery stand outside the test site every year. 5000% mark-up on the batteries and $100 installation fee.