Bchad Farewell

Since nothing is confirmed I remain hopeful that a last minute miracle stayed his hand and will keep this true scholar and gentleman with us for a while longer. It just goes to show you can never really know what is going on in the minds of men, hold your loved ones tight tonight.

Bchadsir, whereever you are, you are a prince among men and one of the legends of AF. Your words have enriched lives and brought new thought in all of us. I hope you find peace my friend.

Next world? Are you referring to a suicide? Is this for real?

Holy shit I can’t believe this. I remember he was mia for awhile a few months back and said he was dealing with a lot when got back… But jeez…

I sincerely hope Bruce is found and can be pulled back from the brink.

Bchad you will be missed. You always stood up for what was right, I’m sure you always gave more than you had. It’s Sad that someone known for their generosity in giving out advice on a financial analysis forum has reached such a point in life due to money.

Can someone please post funeral arrangements if they come across…

Wow. I am shocked by this! An AF brethran suicide note!!

It looks like Bchad suffered from intense depression for many years!! That is very very sad!!

This is truly heartbreaking.

Every such note penned by a friend I’ve had the misfortune of reading before has been a collection of thoughts of a young man struggling to find his way in the world. But this note is by a man of extreme intelligence and incredible wisdom coming to a pragmatic conclusion. Despite his eloquence, I can’t even begin to understand the lines of thought that led him there.

I didn’t know Bruce but I really wish he’d been able to find a way to keep going. We lost one of the good ones.

2016, has taken yet another nice one away from the earth!

I really dont know what to write. I feel like I lost somebody close, Absolutely shattered to hear this news.

RIP BChad :frowning:

Shocking news and terribly sad…RIP

May you find the peace in death, you could not find in life.

I really wanted this to be some sort of tasteless joke, but sadly it’s true. I met Bruce once at a CFA meet-up in NYC; I still remember him wearing a Santa hat. Very nice and knowledgeable guy.

You will be missed greatly bud.

I have no words… Heartbreaking

Can 1recho and KRNYC please delete the text from both of your posts now that it’s been read so it’s not endlessly floating around the searchable internet?

At this stage I’m not sure what funeral arrangements will be but I’m also not sure I’m comfortable with posting them on an anonymous online forum.

Truly tragic. Never met the man, but I still have a feeling of loss. Hopefully he is now at peace.

agree. Also has it been confirmed?


Has it been confirmed?

^Yes, it has been confirmed. He is no longer missing.

I woke up this morning in shock and a great sadness fell over me. I have never met him in person but he was probably the classiest and most interesting man in AF. Rest In Peace Bruce, you will be missed.

I first met Bruce nearly 9 years ago. We were both working on the Charter, I on level 2 and he on level 3. We met as he was trying to help me get a job with a colleague of his. He was someone I looked up to and aspired to his level of knowledge. He was generous with his time and enjoyed sharing his knowledge. Bruce was always a teacher and eager to discuss and contemplate.

Over the years, our relationship developed. We built a bond as we learned the world of finance together. We exchanged ideas, helped each other network, and even commiserated at times. It was a kinship of shared experience.

There was comfort in knowing where I could find Bruce. He was just a click away and his thoughts on AF were always a source of happiness. He took pride in clarity of thought and expression. So many people benefited in his pursuit to journal and learn.

He was kind enough to invite me into his life. I laughed with him during his standup routine, toasted a birthday celebration, and fondly remember our meetings together. I’ve learned from him both professionally and personally. He had a positive impact on my life and for that I am grateful.

Bruce – I smile at the thought of you reading this from your laptop on a beach in Brazil with a Caipirinha in hand. I do hope you’ve found your peace. I know you’ll be watching over us and reading AF - know that you are appreciated and you are missed.

Well, I guess I am late to read this, but there are several news stories this morning that confirm what has happened. In retrospect, it seems clear that bchad was depressed for a while, and I wish something could have happened to get his life back on track. He obviously had issues beyond his financial difficulties, and his ultimate choice was quite regrettable. I suppose I should do a better job of keeping in touch with people I know who are in similar positions.