I have a question regarding the following application process: https://www.cfainstitute.org/cfaprog/charterholder/membership/pdf/member_process.pdf 1) Can anyone tell me how I can submit my working experience? I have updated my working experience with detailed role and responsibility. Does it automatically “submit” to CFAI? 2) Or should I finished the step 2 (sponsor form) before the step 3 (CFAI review working experience)? Thanks a lot for your help!
The lady at the CFAI told me that they don’t evaluate work experience until the sponsor forms are in.
Thanks, bchadwick. I assume that’s the reason why I submitted the work experience yesterday and it’s showing as follow now? (I will probably ask my sponsor sometimes this week.) 60 Months Submitted, 0 Months Accepted (After work experience is entered, there may be a brief delay before this box is checked.) Thanks for the advice