Becommng charterholder without joining local society, how?


I passed my level 3 yesterday, and have 4 years of qualified work experiece. I was wondering if one can become a charterholder without joining any local CFA society. I want to avoid paying membership fees to local society, but I dont mind paying membership fees to CFA Institute.

Charter journey is still troublesome, even after clearing all the exams!!!

ANy suggestions appreciated. Thanks.

Join your local society. Good networking opportunities and of course the chance to attend all of the events locally. Be a part of the community!

Is it worth?! I have heard people joining local society just to get references, and most people dont actually care.

Since we will be already paying $275 to CFA Institute, I want to avoid £100 CFA UK Society fees.

Whether it is worth or not, not joining is not an option for you f you go by some threads. See this discussion on AF, it will answer your questions and doubts. Of course continuing to pay or not is your choice.

But on the CFA membership application page under “select society”, clearly says that (irrespective of what is discussed in that thread:

Society membership is voluntary and highly recommended. Your application to a society is an introduction to a community of professionals who are committed to highest standards of ethics, education and professional excellence. Accepting a society’s invitation to join provides you with access to lifelong learning and opportunities to participate in the local investment community.”

So it is upto you to decide, may be someone else from AF will clarify it more.