Behavioral Biasis

Is any one facing a problem in understating the behavioral biases? If you have any tips on how simplify it?

N.B: I feel that I understand the overall concept but I can’t distinguish between them when answering a question.

Cognitive Errors: (FAMA/RICCH)

  • Information processing: (FAMA)
  1. Framing
  2. Anchoring & Adjustment
  3. Mental Accounting
  4. Availability
  • Belief Perseverance (RICCH)
  1. Representativeness
  2. Illusion of Control
  3. Conservatism
  4. Confirmation
  5. Hindsight
  • Emotional Biases (LOSERS)
  1. Loss Aversion
  2. Overconfidence
  3. Self-Control
  4. Endowment
  5. Regret Aversion
  6. Status Quo
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