Behavioral finance essay questions

Hi guys, I have another general question to ask… On the AM paper, on one of those typical BeFin questions when they give u a statement given by an investor and ask u to to identify the behavioural concepts the investor is most likely to exhibit, and they do not specify how many BeFin concepts you should identify, how much should you try to list? For example, lets say Joe says that he did reserach on the internet and found that Real estate prices are about to rise, and he therefore is bullish on RE and will be buying soon. I can say he may suffer from Overconfidence (he assume his skill in evaluating RE forecasts are right), representativeness (apply stereotypes/use past experince), or Frame Dependance (he only receive info from the internet and take it as the only source) The answer key, however, only contains 2 points. the question is worth 3 points. So what if the grading scheme only requires you to give 2 points, but I gave 3 BeFin points and 2 of them hit the answer key? Will I get marks deducted for including an extra BeFin concept?

I would assume the first 2 answers get 1.5 pts each.

yeah, but what mean, what if I went on and on, and listed some irrelevant ones too. Wrong answers. Would I get marks deducted for the wrong answers?

On the actual exam they will ask for a specific number of concepts.

BananaCo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > yeah, but what mean, what if I went on and on, and > listed some irrelevant ones too. Wrong answers. > Would I get marks deducted for the wrong answers? from what i have been told by past graders, if the question asks for 2 responses, and you write 4, they will grade the first two. If both of those are wrong, and the latter 2 are right, you still get 0 points.

From what I’ve seen they would generally list 3 or 4 different people and ask you to choose 1 behavioral trait for each one.

I heard from my schweser instructer that if you put down a bunch of other answers, which are wrong, you will lose points even if two of your answers are correct. Keep it snappy and to the point.