Does anyone belong to any good charity or organization? I’m always looking for organizations to join. I think they have the potential to be good networking spots. Plus you can always throw it on the old resume for brownie points. I’ve been part of this money management organization for over a year now. Basically I’ve been paired with an elderly guy and I help him with his bills. It’s not so good for networking, but looks good on my resume. I’d like to find something else though
toastmasters is great for personal development and it looks good on resume. but it is not finance related.
joining charities for networking and getting brownie points on resume??? u only get out wot u put in…
wouldn’t it be smarter to join organizations that are some what of an interest to you? I’m sure there’s some charities and groups that will have plenty of nice connections you can make. but you should at least do something that you’re interested in, and help something you actually care about. But since you’re doing your CFA you’re most likely interested in it, hopefully. So go to your local CFA society’s events and meet people.
Wow, I’m volunteering with children in inner city DC all day tomorrow and I sure as heck am not doing so to put it on my resume.
nuff said good luck with the kids, kkent - have a great day! hey, if I give a christmas present to my grandma, can I put that on my resume?