I’ve gone through all topics and end of chapter Schweser questions. I feel like at one point I’ve understand most concepts and calculations so its a matter of review now. The problem I have is retaining the information when I’m confronted with a question, especially with a calculation question. For example, when I was studying equity valuation I knew the material well enough I could probably teach it, but when I looked at a FCF calculation question I completely blanked out. After rereading the section it all came back very quickly and I understand it again. What I’m going to do now is review all end of chapter summaries, go through FSA and equity, as well as one other topic every day until exam day. I also want to do practice questions to help me know if I really understand the information and something to help me retain it. On Saturday I’m going to do a full exam from CFAI and then review and take Sunday off. I’ve used Schweser exclusively, so I was wondering if the CFAI end of chapter questions might be better, or if I should try doing the questions from book 6, 7, or from some other source. I’d rather not do questions online because something about starring at the screen too long bothers me.
Perseverance mate Perseverance!! Keep reading, practising, re-reading, re-practicing … But just wanted to give you one suggestion - don’t miss the end of chapter questions from the CFAI books. I have done my studying from Schweser too, but am planning to do all CFAI question from their volumes.
Regarding the end of chapter questions from CFAI books, are you doing only the multiple choice, or all the questions? I ask that because on some chapter, their open questions go deep into calculation and I don’t wat to waste time with that now.
Nicolargol…I had the same question in my mind earlier but decided to do only multiple choice questions (CFAI) because open ended questions are more or less conceptual which is covered in the text. For this I have my notes which I plan to go through few times before exam.