Hit my stride this weekend, averaged 83.5 on the mocks!
Nicely done. Which mocks? CFAI / Schweser / etc…
Two CFAI and two schwesers. How’s everyone else doing?
Can’t really gauge on the first two CFAI since I saw so many of the questions before in the prior assessments, but had averaged about 82% between the two of those …
The “March Mocks” was more inline with what I expected, about a 78% average
I’ve taken 5 Schewsers so far and have averaged about an 83-84%
And then I go to CFAI EOC and do terribly… more work to do I suppose
Nice man, you must feel pretty good at least with how the mocks have gone. Basically just need to refine a few things this week and you’ll be golden
Took my first mock a few days ago (the March afternoon one on the CFAI site). I got 78. Not bad , but not GREAT.