Black Mirror

is this the best lockdown TV show since the Twilight Zone?

just watched the robot bees episode on my lunch break. phenomenal.

i don’t know, that NSA cloud can hold a lot of data. who’s to say they haven’t been compiling webcam streams on everyone for the last year or two just in case they need it sometime in the future? TheBigCheese for President campaign to drain the swamp could face some hurdles.

That was a 90 minute episode. I like your style.

And, yeah, the twist at who the real targets are is awesome.

I started watching this last night. I watched season 1 which was amazing! Quite thought provoking stuff!

Just finished watching this. Season 1 and 2 were amazing( think my favorite episodes were white bear and white Christmas or the first episode in season 2 with the ginger)Season 3 not so much except the one with Bronn in it.

watched the first two episodes of season 3 last night. Have not seen season 1 or 2 yet but since each show is different I figure it doesn’t matter. This show is a serious mindbender. Pretty sure I had some f*cked up dreams because of it. Mixing Advil PM and whisky was probably a bad choice as well.

ooh man GoB, prepare to experience the fear of god in episode 3. in light of recent revelations, that episode is scary AF. report back on your thoughts.

Great show. The thought of being locked in a white room with nothing to do for years gives me chills.

Unwittingly sending the love of his mundane life to do hardcore porn was pretty upsetting to watch too.

Havn’t seen the episode yet but I should recommend you watch the movie Oldboy. Its like a black mirror full length movie.

Oldboy is tight. Also on Netflix

I actually like the korean version better although Spike Lee & Josh Brolin do a great job in the american remake.

man, this show is f’ed up, just saw it for the first time yesterday.

its well written though

Didnt like the fourth season as the previous seasons

ah jeez dude. I loved this season! I thought it was on par, if not better than previous… They’ve clearly upped the budget again

I only have seen a few out of order. Black musuem was extremely weird and I missed the point. Others were good

Ep 1 was dope. That guy plays a great psychopath. Lots of interesting themes - holographic physical reality, multiple universes, creator gods and a quarantined existence vs ability to join ‘galactic family’ in free will (I.e. The real history/near future of earth). I give it a B++.

i thought the season was solid liked most of them aside from episode 5 which i thought was silly. Thought ep 2 was crazy and a look at how addicting technology can be & how it can be used for both good & bad.

That one where they erased the guy’s mind was crazy.