Black Mirror

Ep 2 - meh

ep 3 - holy sh!t b!tches be CRAZY. good lesson in non-attachment.

Ep 4 - submit to your AI god. Y’all have no idea how close we were to being on this timeline.

Ep 6 -LOOSH. A central part of satanic practice is creating terror in sacrificial victims (loosh). When they consume the adrenalized blood they get high.

The demons they sacrifice to also feed on the negative energy they create - they eat loosh.

Yes many of your elected officials take part in this practice, along w entertainment, bankers and corporate elite.

Episode 1 was the Bomb. That pock mark fool was the shiznit

I have picked this as my favorite. Will start from season 1 tomorrow.

Finished it over the weekend. There weren’t really any “holy s hi t” moments like in previous seasons but still very good.

Yea there are only so many ways to explore ‘portable consciousness’ so the show would need to focus more on story development. But I think a lot of people tune in to see what kind of technologies are being used and their pitfalls (not necessarily for the story), so they’re in a tough spot going forward I think.

Really they should start hitting on ETIs and multi-dimensional reality, give the people what they want!

Almost through the new season (haven’t seen Arkangel or Black museum yet). Doesn’t seem to be as many unexpected plot twists, or maybe the twists just don’t surprise me anymore? Still an awesome show. Rate it 4/5 buffalos.

My season 4 rankings:

#6) Metalhead - meh

#5) Crocodile - I liked it better when it was called I know what you did last summer

#4) Hang the DJ - Obligatory feel good episode of the season. Liked it.

#3) Arkangel - Really good and almost certain to become a reality.

#2) USS Callister - Awesome. Only drawback is he created them without genitals. I mean, no man building his fantasy universe is going to leave sex out of it.

#1) Black Museum - Yeah, that’s pretty messed up.

Still nothing close to White Christmas, White Bear, San Junipero, Shut Up and Dance, or The Entire History of You.

Black museum had a pretty awesome twist that i did not see coming - very good episode.

my favorite is the one where people were rating each other. and you needed a high rating to get discounts. we need to implement this!

it would be like yelp but for people.

I was just told about this show by a friend at church. Think I’m gonna add it to the binge-watch list.


Just barely didn’t make my all-time best list but it’s right there.

Bryce Dallas, the things I would do… Oh yeah, it was a great episode.

Doesn’t do much for me. Maybe it’s because every time I look at her I see Opie.

Ehh…There is just something oddly attractive about a woman who can cry on command.

I just watched USS Callister (while intellectually decimating the Birdman/Yayyywork clones on the other thread)…

…the episode was fantastic! :+1:

TIL turning people off from you and making them unwilling to engage with you meaningfully on the merits of what you’re saying by consistently being an a$$hat = winning

Shhhh Birdman, it’s S04E02 time!!!

Update: OMG “milkshake mom” put in an abortion pill and killed drug-boy’s baby! :open_mouth: This show is great!!!