BlueCrest to return all outsider money

There seems to be a trend at these places with eventually not wanting to deal with those annoying clients. It probably has something to do with the founder already being a billionaire.

If you have enough to do this and still pay your people well enough, why not? Seems you save yourself a ton in regulatory/admin/audit/IR expenses.

I think most of us can agree that dealing with fund clients is probably one of the most frustrating jobs on this planet. They are never happy and never rational. If you don’t need them, why put up with it?

Fund of fund investor:

“Hey we need you guys provide us mid & T-2 EOM P&L estimates, with full estimated financials.” lol aight

Please say that was a joke. Might need to show them the door.

lol it was a slight exaggeration but not too far off from reality sadly

the smallest accounts are always the worst.