
They said the same when I warned about subprime. And then I’m the guy who lost $0 in the crash.

I am in structured credit. But I actually hold very little bonds for my age…

You’re truly the Charlie Sheen of investing.


If you can’t find anything else of value, no problem buying ST bonds of money-good companies. Getting almost 3% for a little over a year. Compare that with 3.15% on the 30 year treasury with a duration of what, 20? No thanks.

Great place to park dry powder. I do it because I am very risk-averse and don’t want to risk anything unless I have a good risk/reward ratio. Those are in short supply in these markets so I end up with a lot on the short end of the yield curve now. (no HY now either).

When did YOU warn about subprime? I failed to find it here on the forums… lol.

Man you must be so rich by now.

From 2003-2007. You mean where? Everyone in the office heard it for 5yrs, probably posted on AF but it was under a different name.

Sorry you suck at finance/markets, but that’s not my fault.

I don’t disagree in principle, but spreads are incredibly narrow…

I parked some more cash in preferreds during the dip, 6% yield. Looking for a 2-3% gain as people realize Powell won’t raise as fast as he says, then out with the gain + a few months dividends.

my fav place to be right now is CLOs esp with rising rates.

OXLC owns the equity pieces.

All spreads yes, but good IG companies with money good ST bonds shouldn’t widen much when everything else does, at least by much. HY spreads are absurd presently, I agree.

Which name? Why the change?

i remember when treasuries (30year) gained 30% in 2014 and basically killed all other asset classes…those in the fixed income, special situations, and fixed income arb hedge fund world were literally shouting out loud about their returns and bonuses (15 - 20% incentives all kicking in for these funds) in every bar in mid town on weekends for a while…I guess diversification does have its place lol.

Actually I can’t remember, it was 15yrs ago. Mostly I posted on L1&2 questions.

was it purebeta :wink:

Can you provide any additional color on which ones and how to access them?

Obviously this is a single source of possibly biased info, but do you have a rebuttal to it? Just wondering…


"I warned about subprime back in 07-08!!!"

“Really, where?”

"Um… somewhere, I’m sure… I can’t remember, it was under a different name… let me find someone else’s quote and I’ll pass it off as my own"

play on playa…

actually may be a negative for BDCs tho

beautifulllll, i just want you to knowwwww:

80 bps spread between 2 yr and 30 yr.

by next year, if 30 yr holds. we will have a flat yield curve.

gap between 5 yr and 10 yr. 20 bps. holy shit. thats literally 1 fucken rate hike to an inverted yield curve!